The Sun of Happiness

by languageformulatingbrain

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I was sitting on my couch staring at the TV, which as usual was off. I noticed that when I looked at my reflection in the darkness of the screen that I looked like some kind of shadowy death-god. Crystalbrain came over to me and said, "Do you want to see the sun?"

"It's nighttime," I said.

"No, just like I showed you Mars as it was imagined in Prehistoric times, I can show you the sun," said Crystalbrain.

"Well, OK. This could be interesting," I said.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by a bright light, and around me were thousands of fiery beings who seemed to move back and forth in ecstacy, twirling around each other and shining with intense luminesence.

The beings were fiery, but they looked like they were in a state of perpetual ecstacy, shining light wherever they went. It was a strange mix, to see fire associated with such happiness.

Crystalbrain said, "The sun was thought by some guy who had a dream about it in Prehistoric times in the British Isles to be a gigantic ball made up of perpetually happy, fiery creatures."

"I see, so these creatures are not malevolent?" I asked.

"Not in the slightest. They are meant to give love, warmth, and happiness to the Earth and its inhabitants," said Crystalbrain.

"OK, what else is here?" I asked.

"I'll show you," said Crystalbrain.

In the center of the sphere was a giant rock with multiple holes in it. We floated toward it around the writhing happy sun spirits and went over to the rock.

"This is where Kerilosi lives, the happiest creature in all of eternity," said Crystalbrain.

I floated in through one of the holes. As the caves were straight they were all brightly lit, and we came upon a chamber where light filtered through the holes onto a central figure seated on a pile of wood.

"Behold Kerilosi!" said Crystalbrain, laughing.

"I see," I replied.

Kerilosi was a six-armed being with a perpetual smile on his face as all the light from the sun spirits filtered as white beams upon his body, as if the rays emanated from himself.

"Now, don't you wish you could be that happy?" asked Crystalbrain.

"I do," I said.

"Well you can, let me move you into Kerilosi's mind for a minute," Crystalbrain said.

Suddenly I had six arms and I was Kerilosi, and the most brilliant happiness I have ever experienced coursed through my body with a sensation I can not even begin to describe. I was not just happy, I was so happy that I could spend all of eternity in the state I was in. It was beyond happiness, so much happiness that there is not even a word to describe it. I was pure, brilliant happiness, even as I was in the center of the sun.

Then, all of a sudden I was sitting in my living room as a normal person.

"So, now you know what happiness really feels like," said Crystalbrain.

"I guess...I can't even describe what that was like. That was unbelievable," I said.

"I've been there before," said Crystalbrain.

He continued, "It sure beats the crack I smoke."

"So, why don't you go back there instead of smoking crack?" I asked Crystalbrain.

"Because while I'd happy, if I stayed there too long I would do nothing but be there for all eternity, and that in my mind just doesn't seem like something I really want to have happen to me," he replied.

"I see...don't want to be caught there forever, I guess. Although you don't seem to have a problem with being addicted to crack," I said.

"Good point, good point," said Crystalbrain, who then spun into the ceiling and left me alone.

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