ok so like the cool thing about fiberous things is that they look really cool i guess...but u know what has fibers??? plants! and if u eat plants, u get fiber like its bestowed on your intestines like some god of moving bowels. and this is healthy. do u get enough fiber? this is pinkish fiber, it comes from a place on a brain, wouldn't u like to know what it is, besides fiber? yes, u would, but u don't get to know because crystalbrain is not going to tell u (yes i refer to myself in the third fuckin person).
as for why its called foxfoxfox, there are possibly many reasons for that but its a secret like those dudes who join clubs for bourgeoegeogeis people or some french word and have secrets about how they can fuck over everyone else i guess. maybe fox news has some of those people, or maybe they're just a bunch of idiots? i don't know, but anyways, this is fibrous as fuck and i'm offering it like a meal to your eyes for them to look at.