ok, this isn't in english or latin or orcish or whatever, but if u read the words into your neoncortex or whatever, u will see that they sort of sound like something. what? i'm not telling, its right there for u to see! look at the damn fucken picture. are u listening? the picture, look at the picture!
right, in the picture there is definitely some love goin on. love isn't mentioned too much on this site, because...well, i guess i don't know why or i'm not saying, but that is some magenta love happening in some lines and shit, yessiree. maybe this picture is a pairing with anaeris dorisopen? the word eye is an english word, but does it mean "eye" like seeeeeeeeing something. maybe in ur brain? it is a mystery like the emoji with the ghost i guess.
but i can tell u one thing: this picture doesn't think in absolutes i guess, maybe not...its a little convoluted perhaps, but i ain't trying to convoolute ur head, i'm tryin to open ur vision to that sparkly shit in ur head.