---crystalbrain transmission 0011---

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ok, so there's some green shtuff, some red stuff, and its all fractalizized i guess. i see numbers here, which is some brains least favorite book of the bible except maybe revelation i guess because its possibly boring instead of being insane like that crap that some guy wrote while tripping his balls off.

but what the everliving fuck aaaare these numbers for? i don't know, but all the 1s make it so every column adds up to 10, and there are ten son of a bitchin fingers if u count both hands of a human. so it all adds up to 10 huh? isn't that boring, like to count to 10 u just put your fingers up, probably in order i guess.

but these red things floating in black, are they motherfucking happy about this? how about the damn green pixelated things? these are mysteries which are more organanic i guess, like toads people lick to get poisoned in a fun way maybe. i'm not sure.

there seems like maybe a path of something yellow or blue....who knows what that shit means. does this even mean anything? i have much eths to make from this yes...

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