ok, so birds are a strange thing. they fly over u i guess, and sometimes they fly at u i guess; it's a matter of taste or braververy for the bird i suppose. if the bird was an eth addict and u had some eth maybe it would fly into ur home or ur wallet or something. maybe it could be a meth addict bird and then it'd be skinny and ugly but this one looks more like something else, maybe a hypnagogmagogic hallucination (fuck, i hate teh book of revelations). but remember u can't spell meth with out e-t-h. that's ETH that u give me, and i promise I won't give any birds meth.
flying over ur head and pooping on u is sometimes things birdz do, yes. oui. why is there french in here? does crystalbrain even speak french like some guy that went to france so the maga dudes wouldn't nail him to the cross for being a filthy artist? i don't know, crystalbrain sometimes isn't too smart about these things, but crystalbrain is aware that in french pornos french girls go "oui oui oui!" when they're getting it on. that reminds me of the little finger that went we we we all the way home i guess, but maybe this is stupid because the finger wasn't on some french girl in a porno speaking sign language translation to the masturbators.
i guess what crystalbrain's trying to say is that crystalbrain is 1) fucking maybe insane maybe not and 2) created this art about birds which has nothing to do with meth or french girls saying oui or maybe it does. crystalbrain don't know.