ok, so one time crystalbrain was thinking how other brains have science or biolology classes, and there was this thought like "ok ok, there's mitochondria in ur cells" and then crystalbrain was thinking of how he played on the playstation in his brain with something called parasite eve by a company that made final fantasy 1 through 566 or something, and it was fun to play yes? well, no, crystalbrain didn't get very far in the game, maybe his television simulator sucked or something, but he was strangely satisified with the idea of mitochondria mutating humans into unbelievable monsters that like kick the shit out of and eat humans.
was that the plot of the game? it is not known for sure, yes, crystalbrain thinks it is. and u play as a blonde woman who actually isn't dumb unlike those mean jokes. but she has a gun or something.
what the fuck is the point of all this? well, the idea that there's something within urself that could totally own u at living and transform u into a beast or maybe some kind of freaking cool behemoth is a great idea, like what if they roamed around the countryside just chilling and freaking living like awesome beings that everyone either runs from or thinks they're some kind of gods and they form armies that conquerer the entire galaxy but instead of being mean like the enemies in parasite eve they're just chill?
what the everliving fuck does this have to do with the picture?
like what if mitochondria were actually computer programs that made u look at ur cells like this? i dunno i mean, i'm just an ETH gatherer...yes...