---crystalbrain transmission 0022---

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ok, so this is some green stuff with some red stuff that's mostly the same but it cums from a tweet i made and its got, liek, the words "to be" and a heart like the heart from twitter on it. so i guess its like a geometrymetic pattern created with software from an image and made into this 12 pointed star thing. there's actually RED and GREEN in the star, so there's like a six pointed hexagram and another six pointed hexagram and they're together and some people who are mostly dumb people liek me will prolly think this means something, even tho i dunno...maybe it does, maybe it doesn't liek you just. can't. know. i guess.

there's a background with like two columnums of light in some noise i guess, it makes the image a little more obscoor than it would be, yes. so you can totally sodomize your third eye or whatever imaginary thing u think with this image giving u light in teh darkness with noise i guess, its up to u, ur the hero, u be the guy that saves the day i guess.

this is genius shit for someone as stupid as me, buy it!

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