---crystalbrain transmission 0033---

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ok, so there's these things called computers right?? and i guess there's these motherfuckers called bytes if u follow my drift, and because i'm so full of psychiatric drugs sodomizing my brain cells it's a weeeee bit hard to explain, but u can have a byte shown into your eyeballs with two numbers, but the numbers have to be liek:


instead of:


so instead of just numbers, u have alphabets in there 2. right?? but anyways cryptocurrency addresses use this numerical fuckery for their addresses. why? because u can show a byte as two numbers or letters and its always 2 characacters i guess.

omg i just explainained somethin 2 u. maybe all of drugs arent as bad as i thought and i can form a cohererent thought ok?

BUT ANYWAYS, u will probabably not realize that the numbah 16 has something to do with the patterns in the image. there's a 10 which is actually 16, and the 16 is actually 10. does this maek fucking sense??? NO. not if ur dumb.

but anyways....this is called hexadecimal numbers and i learned about them before i became stupider from killing massive amounts of brain cells, which may be an ongoing process if the 12 pillz i take in the morning are any indidication.

why would i maek an NFT about this? bcuz i liek hexadecimal, maybe because the last number is "F" which is the letter for "fuck" or "fondue" even tho i don't eat fondue because i'm vegan. if u want a homage 2 hexadecimal, u got it right here & u can take out ur ETHs and buy this leik usual.

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