---crystalbrain transmission 0043---

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ok, so liek, this is crack angel. wtf is a crack angel? well, it's an angel...of crack cocaine. yes, in the many strange dimensions that exist there are angels that are high on crack, or that dispense crack, or that want you 2 smoke crack so bad that they appear before u in all their glory and bid thee 2 smoke a rock from a crack pipe. crack angels can also serve as messengers of crack. liek, when reagan and bush smoked crack, there was an angel that appeared before them and said "i present 2 u the divine gift...of crack". and so we discovered that crack cocaine was liek a divine ambrosia, a divine rock that maeks ppl high as fuck and rant and rave about their sexual exploits. twas a strange day in teh multiverse when teh crack showed up with a promise that it would allow teh republicans to rule over central america. it twas such a great tiem...teh angel gave a huge ounce of coke, some baking soda, and other shit, and then with the sound of trumpets teh best microwave that money could buy came down from teh heavens and was installed in teh white house.

foreign dignititaries would come up to teh white house on officicial visits, but teh real reason they came is that they wanted 2 smoke crack. it was spread all throughout teh world's leadership, everyone was in teh white house hitting teh rock. they don't call it teh "white house" 4 no reason, bcuz coke is white man, coke is white. u gotta understand that under reagan, teh white house was teh world's biggest crack house. reagan was all coked up and he even wanted 2 change teh columns of teh white house into pure rocks of cocaine, but dick cheney said that this was a bad idea and wouldn't let him. so much 4 that idea. rumor has it that perestroika and glasnost happened in the USSR bcuz gorbachev smoked so much crack with reagan, and that spot on his head was a punishment from god for smoking too much of reagan's crack when it didn't belong 2 him. i don't know about this but it could be true, who knows?

and then there was the buttfucking...so many coke orgies with world leadership...

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