---crystalbrain transmission 0052---

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so, tehre's these motherfuckers on teh earth called bees. yes, you may have heard about them. the bitches are yellow and black striped, they got a big honkin' stinger, and they're fuckin' essential for life on earth. i guess when i was smoking rocks with reagan and bush we didn't care about the fuckin planet, because we just wanted to rape it for all of its natural resources and then nuclear bomb it except for a few fortunate souls. but BEES. these motherfuckers do go on the planet and spread around pollen like it was a nasty disease, but shit, pollen isn't nasty, it's just flower cum. ok, maybe that is kind of nasty.

so on this sonuvabitch with have the number 75. why? well, becuz the number 7 makes a seven pointed star, and then number 5 makes a pentagram, and this is some MYSTICAL SHIT ppl. yes, this is the kind of strange belief that people who think AIDS is good might have but i mean less harm here with it, i mean to just say that the number is cool, and u can have it if you want, right in the center of ur screen with this NFT. i'm not sure there's much more to be said except...oh yeah!

that colorful neon shit? it's a bee eye really messed with good, liek i took a bee and used an image editor and totally went to town on it with edge detection and stuff like that, so it looks kinda neat i guess.

i think the statement "pollin8 75" which is all over the image might be a call for bees to get their shit together and not die so they can pollinate some flowers. but that could be subjective.

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