---crystalbrain transmission 0057---

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ok, so owls havin' birds coming around 2 peck their eyez is just lame. i kno because i made a mandala of this dumbass situation. just picture, ur an owl on a tree and some other damn birds come at u with their beaks just fuckin bothering u and attacking u and shit.

teh picture that i most expertly turned into a mandala comes from medieval bestiary liek, for real. and a bestiary is liek a compendiumum of animals but liek some of them aren't real, kind of liek how birds aren't real 2 some dumbasses who not only don't understand jokes but actively turn jokes into complete muthafukken delusion.

and speakin' of delusion, crystalbrain doesn't liek delusion. there was a report about me by teh CIA and they said i suffer from these things called delusions but then i liek spit a fireball at them and they disappeared onto teh moon, and i threw the moon into jupiter and replaced it with a fake moon without anyone noticicing!

if i were this owl, i'd take my beak and peck back, liek really have a go at getting these muthafukken birds 2 stop peckin' at my eyez. yes, it should be grand, i will fight for my freedom from this shit.

speaking of peckin' though, there's a book by some guy who shoulda been a priest named aleister crowley, and it talks about it. i won't say which, bcuz teh book says not 2 read it. which means everyone wants 2 read it, of course.

there was leik lots of trouble brewin' in teh 80s, bcuz honestly we went on a coke binge 4 six days and we forgot teh government was important or sumthing, and we had 2 liek stop doing cocaine so we could have reagan veto some bills, and some of these bills were about helping people, so teh ppl who coulda been helped really were pissed off that they had no help. but we had money and coke so we were happy. as my mentor said, "i got mine, so fuck everyone else yo". except he didn't say yo bcuz he was too racist.

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