---crystalbrain transmission 0061---

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ok, so wat the fuck is this?

we have teh mona lisa, and she is covered like a porn star in some words straight from teh cock of the CIA, and that shit is totally fuckin up leoNARDo da vinci's attempt 2 show beauty bcuz its liek a cocaine paranoia word cloud of fucked up shit attempting to undue teh legacy of The Da Vinci Code, which is a book i have never read but i hear it was liek about how dude wants to discover sumthing and finds out that mary magdalene is hawt and teh church is bullshit.

liek, hello? of course teh church is bullshit, and of course mary magdalene is hot but jesus wouldn't do her cuz he was gay. liek what crack rock r u living under y'all? this is teh shocking kind of "mysteries" that u can't figure out 4 urself? wait, eye know, let's reveal teh shocking secret that peasants in judea 2000 years ago were ignorant and superstitious as fuck, and that the greek sodomizing philosophy enlightened catholic church actually knew this shit. r u kidding me? of course this is true.

and those angels? just sell crack 2 them and they go away. u r not casting teh wicked into teh abyss, that is my job and it is much more fun 2 do it with art than sum boring old book that dudes in black robes wear and tell u to go to hell if u don't suck their dick in a confessional.

eye have an idea, and that is 2 unleash liek a horde of homo erectus high on pcp and holding rudimentary tools 2 come after teh ass of dan brown, whose semenal novel was read 4 a while and then ppl were just liek "yawn, illuminati, whatever" and went 2 town having as much unprotected sex with women as they could. this was not cool, as teh only kind of sex that we allow in teh CIA is gay sex, and that is a rule that extends like a penis all throughout society. we even put it in teh plumbing so it can go straight up ur ass while ur pooping.

ok, so my point is.....

don't believe everything u read by people named dan brownshowers or whatever, and never believe anything teh CIA tells u with COINTELPRO lol.

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