ok so teh motherfucker about this is that in the CIA where I was summoned after reagan fucked a TV in teh ass, we had a rule: no putting cocaine in the ass unless u were part of the secret leadership. what did this mean? it meant that 2 boof cocaine, u had 2 really get that promotion and hold on 2 it.
why did we have this ruul? it was thought dat teh combinatation of cocaine and anal pleasure would be 2 much 2 handle 4 most ppl, especially when a couple of rookies tried a cocaine enema that they mixed with vodka and they got so fuckin high they......dieded.
liek yeah, a couple idiots died, which 2 us was not a problem usually, we could always get more idiots, but before we were aloud 2 boof cocaine, a special educacation class was required, so that we could safely administer a boof of dope without dying right away. bcuz what were we gonna tell ppl's family?
"oh no, ur son died boofing blow"?
no, fuck that. we had an initiation process. one would watch ronald reagan give a naked george bush a cocaine enema, and then we had 2 do the same thing to ronald reagan. it was a rite of passage. then, two floating evil spirits would shove a coke enema up ur ass, and that was that. it was our little party, u know? it was grand!
tanyways i guess cocaine in teh ass is efficient bcuz it makes ur ass numb i guess, and liek u feel pretty damn high, u know?
tl;dr: so in teh CIA, at teh highest (lol) echelons of secret guberment, we had a huge gay boofing ritual.