"soulbrain -the desire to jump out of the body (and die)" diy 3 inch (8cm) cd-r

Prices (must pay in Monero)
Price (USD): $7.00Monero (XMR): 0.05807683

US Shipping (USD): $5.00Monero (XMR): 0.04148345
Canada Shipping (USD): $14.95Monero (XMR): 0.12403551
Elsewhere Shipping (USD): $18.75Monero (XMR); 0.15556293

Quantity remaining: 9

ok, this is a 3 inch CD-R release, a mini cd-r. why a mini-cdr? because we can I guess and we want to.

undefined label contact:
[email protected]

not this one