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1. baek (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
2. kowplo (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
3. Jowk (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
4. kith (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
5. jiuyu (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
6. kair (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
7. juyse (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
8. nute (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
9. drut (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
Download zipped album: (flac) (mp3) (ogg)
ok, so picture a fucking octopus that's in the ocean. it is liek, pissed, becuz its fuckin habitat for octopuses which is salt water is being polluted and theres liek less fish to eat and toxins and shit liek that. wouldn't u be pissed too? so this is a fuck you from aggressionbrain.
not this one