(possibly?) brains:









hulking subconscious



1. hulking subconscious (flac) (mp3) (ogg)

Download zipped album: (flac) (mp3) (ogg)

ok, so what if you had conflicting desires, or they were all in a mess and it was like "idk what to do" and it caused problems, it'd be like "damn this sucks" i guess.

"tangledidbrain - hulking subconscious" diy 3 inch (8cm) cd-r

Prices (must pay in Monero)
Price (USD): $6.00Monero (XMR): 0.03864485

US Shipping (USD): $5.00Monero (XMR): 0.03220404
Canada Shipping (USD): $14.75Monero (XMR): 0.09500193
Elsewhere Shipping (USD): $18.75Monero (XMR); 0.12076517

Quantity remaining: 9

ok, so here is the 3 inch CD-R release of "hulking subconscious"...it's monstrously waiting to be put in the small part of your CD player's tray. definitely you should buy it.

S Y N A P S E ? .

undefined label contact:
[email protected]

not this one